I did manage to plant a few herbs (you can see the remainders along the back wall), some hostas and some bulbs. My plan, such as it is, is to put a walkway* through the middle of the above picture (from left to right) and put herbs on the wall side and flowers on the other. For some reason, I find this whole gardening thing really intimidating. If I screw up my knitting (and don't get me started on Storm), I can just rip it out and do it again (like I'm doing with Storm -- &*%$#!#$). But plants? I can kill plants and that just freaks me out.
*Len decided the best route to getting rid of dandelions which had taken over a small portion of the lawn would be to rip it up. In so doing, he uncovered a walkway of sandstones which had been completely taken over by the dandelions. Go figure. I'm going to use these for the garden. There is also a cement pad which has been taken over by blackberry vines and garlic mustard. Every time we stick a shovel into the ground, we find something new. It's kind of...overwhelming.
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