Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Using Knitting as an Excuse

I didn't do any weaving this weekend. I know, as soon as I set the goal, I failed at it. But I have a very good reason!

Big Wool Scarf & Hat

Every year some friends organize a Euchre Tournament in honor of a friend who died of ALS a few years ago. Since Len refuses to learn to play Euchre, and I am too much of a weenie to play in public (it's a long story, for both of us), I have contributed some hand knitted scarves and hats for door prizes. Normally, I don't give myself enough time and I don't get as many done as I would like. But this year I found on Wednesday the tournament is going to be this Friday. Gack! The stupid thing is that I know that it is held every year around this time, and I know I need to take responsibility for finding out when it will be, but I don't know. Time got away (seriously. How is it that it's October 30???).

So. No weaving. Really big yarn.

Fat Stitches

I have one hat and scarf set done using Rowan Big Wool and size 15 and 17 needles. It is a whole different world knitting with yarn and needles this size, rather than my usual size 0's! I had to knit the hat flat since I don't have either a short circular needle or double points that big.

Rowan Tweed Scarf

This is RYC Soft Tweed, size 11 needles. I LOVE this yarn. I don't usually fall for a bulky yarn, but my god this stuff is fabulous. Wool, viscose, polymide and silk, it is so soft, the color is so pretty. A basic cardigan would cost about $130. Gack!* At that price, my love may need to remain chaste.


But it's so, so pretty! Anyway, I am more than half done with this scarf (I finished the mauve ball last night) so I'm going to work on a matching hat tonight and use what remains to finish the scarf.

*I might have a fur ball stuck in my throat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the hats and scarves! You have a good heart. I also understand about needing time alone, alone. Clears the head and soothes the soul.
