Friday, February 15, 2008

Random This and That

A Valentine's Evening to Remember: Len called me when I was close to home, "Hey, do you want to go to Big Boy in Brooklyn (not New York) for Valentine's Day dinner?". He'd been looking in vain all day for salt to spread on parking lots and was going to make a last ditch effort in Brooklyn. We ended up stopping at a hardware store in Napoleon (don't you love these small town names?) where he found just what he needed. Rather than continue on to Brooklyn or try to choose among our very limited options, we just went home and made dinner (a lovely salmon, asparagus and roasted potatoes). We are so romantic.

Not that I mind, I'm not a fan of the day. On the other hand, I heard a lovely story on NPR yesterday which has me thinking about it in a different way. Ted Kooser, the U.S. poet laureate from 2004-2006, sent Valentine poems for 20 years (he finally stopped when his list reached 2,700). They are all published in a new book, and I highly recommend reading the ones on the story's website.

Update Chez Feline Central. They are starting to calm down. We are using Comfort Zone which the cats seem to perceive as an amorphous benevolent kitty god, or something. The package says to give the product 4 weeks for behavior change, but Judy's attacks seem less frequent and not as vicious. She has even let me pick her up, yesterday she drooled on me, which is kind of sweet in a gross way. Fred has no problem using the litter box in the bathroom, but I cannot stress enough how temporary this solution is. I won't go into how gross it is, but this is really only one step better than her using the floor.

Pretty Babies. We had dinner with Len's sister, Amy and her twins. I think they still qualify has The World's Prettiest Babies.

Max's Eyes

Maddie on a rug

You could disagree, I suppose, but I don't see how.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Nope - I wouldn't disagree. Look at those eyes! And spending time with them on the Love Day - pretty cool.