Thursday, March 22, 2007

Letting Go

My aunt Ann is dying. This has been true for a couple of years -- she has a particularly virulent form of Parkinson's and is being systematically robbed of the use of her body. I don't know what to say about it, really. I didn't know her well; she is my mother's sister and because I grew up with my father and stepmother, I saw her side of the family mostly at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

My mother left yesterday to spend a month in Florida with aunt Ann, my uncle Con and cousin Barb. She will travel back to Michigan with them at the end of April, where, hopefully, home health will be set up and waiting. I am very sad. Sad for my mom, and my uncle and cousin. But sad, especially, for my aunt.

I sent Icarus with my mom. I thought that, at the very least, Ann's shoulders could be warmed by something beautiful. I told my mother to remember, when she sees the shawl to hold Ann's hand and to give her some comfort.
Icarus Detail


Valerie said...

That sounds like a generous plan. Icarus is an ironic name for someone being robbed of mobility....but then again, perhaps it's prophetic.

Anonymous said...

I like to think of it as hopeful. Perhaps as we leave these bodies we fly upward to our new home. Some folks who have passed and returned report it so.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely gesture -- for a lovely knitted item. I hope your mom and your aunt find comfort in the love that was sent with it.