Monday, January 08, 2007

Little Electronic Gadget Woes

I know, I said I would post again a few days ago and I didn't. Mostly because I've been pretty busy trying (and failing) to get caught up at work.


My adorable boyfriend got this little toy for me for Christmas. There is nothing like a tiny little gadget that "all the kids" have to make me feel like a middle-aged Luddite. It is a long, convoluted tale of woe, and I shall spare you the details (most of which involve strange numbers like OS X 10.3, 10.3.4 and 10.3.9 and so on). After much confusion, getting kicked off of my dial-in service (after 4 hours of downloading fun), crashing systems, tears, ripped out hair, and the gentle prodding of my good friend K, my old iMac is now as up to date as it needs to be. Tonight I will find out if it and the iPod will be on speaking terms, or if the rift is permanent.

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