Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lightening up a bit

From a short conversation Monday night:

Me: You know, what I have to knit right now just isn't doing it for me. I think I need to start some more lace.

Len: Yeah, because Sunday was so much fun for everyone.

I hate it when he's right. Not that it will stop me, or anything!

1 comment:

  1. Daffodil is lovely! Great blocking photo's. I've never blocked a circ. item.

    Am so sorry about Dave....bad news of that sort seems to be rampant these days.

    And tho' once a fan, I now avoid the AA art fair at all costs (and the Plymouth one too...which is where I live). You sum it up nicely...about making for the masses.

    Somehow, bloglines wasn't showing your updates, so I missed all of the above.
