Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Home Improvements

I've been tinkering a bit with the blog. I took the picture in the banner in January, the light fixtures looked like UFOs against the sunset, which I found particularly amusing since this is my old high school's parking lot. UFO landing. Couldn't happen to a better place. I'm still working on getting the title and description to stand out a little better, but Blogger isn't behaving.

I also added a new blog category, Pursuing Creativity (Insanity) in my (way too long) list of blogs. This is especially in honor of my dear friend Stef, who finally started a blog. While she is certainly a weaver and knitter, no mere Knitting/Weaving category can contain her. I can't decide if I am in awe of her range, jealous, or a bit frightened. I put angry chicken and DPS in that category as well, because I appear to be going a bit insane.

Valerie: my e-mail address is in my profile. If you are coming to Ann Arbor during the week, let me know. I would be happy to pass on some of those lovely ball of red joy. I agree completely, those grape tomatoes have no flavor whatsoever!

1 comment:

  1. Me parece maravilloso y fresco tu Blog!! Gracias por darle tanta espontaneidad a estos espacios.

    Te invito a visitar mi página personal en la que publico mis poemas y mis links (estos pueden interesarte mucho!!).

    Te envío un abrazo y te dejo mi dirección:

    Hasta pronto!!
    Andrés G. Fernández
