Thursday, July 12, 2007

More Garden

Can you stand another garden update? There will be more knitting soon, I promise: I have only two more rounds on the white blob before the always exciting crochet cast-off (which alone could take years). I have beads to show you, but I've been too lazy to take pictures. I'm also looking for clasp ideas for the wire beaded weaving. My first trip to the House of Sin didn't go well (it didn't seem like there were very many options), so I am going to continue looking.

So, instead? Wee watermelon:

WeeWatermelon with Dime

I hope everyone likes watermelon because we have 6 plants. I can't help but think we'll be sneaking the things onto our neighbors porches and running.

Little peppers:

Red Pepper

Sorry for the crummy picture. This should turn red someday, the plants are already doing better than the ones from last year, so I have high hopes.

Amish Paste

The tomatoes I raised from seeds are doing very well (the top photo is Amish Paste, the bottom is Beefsteak).

Green Beans

The green bean plants are recovering.

Rabbit Food

But the cucumber plants were attacked. I saw last night that this plant has flowers, but the last thing a plant needs in mid-July is to be concentrating on new growth when it should be putting its energy into vegetable production.


Oh look! There goes a culprit now. Little shit isn't even afraid of us!

Please send rain.


  1. OOOOOh...the Bead Gallery! Haven't been there in awhile, but will wait 'til AA art fairs are over at this point.
    Our rabbit population is somewhat lower than usual. Found out why a couple weeks ago...we have a young male fox who was "dancing" in our driveway on Sunday AM. Just the way he was moving made me want to ask him if he had just finished w/ the gingerbread man!

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I love the pictures of the garden... they remind me of pickles, oven roasted tomatoes and all of the other wonderful preserved things that are the result of your hard work! I'm salivating already.

    Speaking of salivating, we should take a trip to the Bead Gallery at some point soon. Let's plan to do lunch! ;-)
