Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Lawn or Garden?


Weeded Garden

Yep. I spent all day Sunday pulling grass and other weeds out of the garden. The green beans seem to be making a recovery, and we've been seeing rabbits munching our "devil vine"*, so I think they are now too big to get into the garden. Len got chicken wire up anyway.

Tomato Supports

Len also got the tomato supports up. We are now arguing about the best way to proceed: he has the twine tied to the plants. I think we should tie the twine to stakes, stick those in the ground and wind the plants around (which is what Smith describes in The Vegetable Gardener's Bible). He thinks that the root system is too big and we'll kill the plants. Since I refuse to operate the circular saw (or, indeed, get anywhere close to that killing machine) in order to make the stakes, he wins this round.

Getting Ripe!

The Supersweet 100s are getting close (obviously, I didn't weed this part of the garden). I'll feel better when the heirlooms start getting tomatoes, since I raise those plants from tiny little seeds.

Very Big Weed

This thing appeared a couple of years ago. I don't know what it is, but I have great affection for this plant. In a month or so it will get really cool looking berries.

*The devil vine: some unsuspecting former owner of our house put up a little archway and planted a vine to drape prettily over the thing. The vine is now taking over parts of the lawn, a small flower bed, what seems to have been an attempt at a grape vine and it is trying to kill a very nice shrub, and a lilac tree. If the rabbits want to eat it, I will gladly allow them to breed on our property. Maybe I will build them a little house of their very own!

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